Issue Position: Stand Up to Washington

Issue Position

1. Put An End To The War on Coal - Coal has been vital to Kentucky's past and is vital to our future. Some have said Kentucky should move away from coal -- Hal Heiner strongly disagrees. Hal will lead an administration that fights those who want to kill Kentucky's coal industry. He will work to promote coal as the abundant and inexpensive energy source as a competitive advantage in attracting new jobs and get President Obama's foot off hardworking coal communities across the Commonwealth.

2. Reject Common Core - Students in our Commonwealth deserve a strong Kentucky curriculum, high Kentucky standards, and rigorous Kentucky testing -- not Common Core's growing federal overreach.

3. Repeal Obamacare - Obamacare has resulted in thousands of Kentuckians losing their healthcare only to be replaced with fewer benefits and increased health care premiums. Obamacare's one-size-fits-all approach isn't right for Kentucky. We need a health care system that is based on competition and free market principles. Hal Heiner will stand with Senator McConnell and Senator Paul in supporting Obamacare's repeal.
